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Why are we collecting your birthday and birth time?

紫微斗数需要使用个人的生日日期以及出生时辰来生成个人的专属命盘。此命盘是用来分析个人各方面运程的工具(参考示意图1 & 2)。

Ziweidoushu makes use of individual birthday and birth time to generate the unique personalised "life chart" (ming pan). The life chart is then studied to analyse individual potential lifetime important event and key milestones(refer Diagram 1 & 2).


Why are you being requested to report your birthplace?

不同的城市,当地的“真太阳时间”不一样。例如北京时间早上08:00(北京时区 GMT+8),但这时在中国西部另一个城市乌鲁木齐,实际时间则是清晨05:50。这就是乌鲁木齐的“真太阳时间”。负责任的命理师必须尽量使用正确的个人资料,以求最准确论命结果


We have 24 times zone and there are countries with enormous country area but with only 1 time zone(GMT+8), for example People's Republic of China. This makes the actual time between Beijing city (when it is 08:00AM) and Urumqi city (to be 05:50AM) vastly different due to the difference in longitude. Therefore, a responsible Ziweidoushu practitioner shall always request birthplace to enable a trustworthy analyse(refer Diagram 1)


(示意图1 / Diagram 1)

(示意图2 / Diagram 2)



Individual data and information protection are our utmost priority. We do not request sensitive information, except for : gender, birthday, birth time and birthplace. They are being stored in our protected server and reject any kind of data sharing and third party unauthorised visit. Having said so, we may share certain case study prior to client acknowledgement. 


If you still hold doubts, and wanted to try our services, we strongly recommend you:


Download the official mobile applications in the given links below (App Store and Play Store) , and generate your individual life chart (ming pan) following the steps HERE.

苹果商店 App Store “文墨天机”应用程序 Application

安卓商店 Play Store “文墨天机”应用程序 Application